
What if we thought of societal development less in terms of what we gain for ourselves but more in terms of what changes would benefit future generations? What if, by our actions, we prepared stronger foundations upon which our children and grandchildren will build the society they develop? What if by giving a little, changing a little, investing a little we made their lives easier when faced with the challenges they will face? Wouldn't that be worth doing, wouldn't that be worth talking about.

There are many challenges facing us now or coming in the future for the next generations to address which can be alleviated by action now. Actions however have a demand for resources which are not always available. We do not have the finances to make all of the changes we want to, we do not have the manpower across many sectors to implement the changes needed and we do not always have the time to see the ultimate results of our actions.

None of these mean we should do nothing, instead our actions should be driven by implementing those changes which have the greatest impact in the shortest time at the lowest cost. Delaying anything, construction, treatment, learning or transformation means higher costs and less impact over a far longer time.

This blog will highlight actions and changes with greater long term return on investment, benefits which accrue over time delivering a better quality of life for future generations and immediate improvements for this generation.
